eyelessinlima     peehouse of the august moon...     website by Noe...

Trump's a scary guy, not because he’s dangerous, but because he’s abysmally non-cognitive. Threatening to take the U.S. out of NATO was just the beginning of a series of his State Department boners. That “Trump doesn’t give a shit about Ukraine” is documented. He encouraged Putin to invade Ukraine, and the “quid pro quo” fiasco is firmly evidenced in the same story by a “right wing” publication. READ IT HERE.
As a civilian working his way back to the WH, he gave Putin the greenlight to do “whatever the hell he wanted” with NATO members who didn’t pay(????). The EU lost a lot of faith in the U.S. Iran played him; Netanyahu played him. His complete indifference to Palestinian woes set the stage for the present chaos in the Middle East.
His domestic policies weren't that much better, if you can call slander and libel policies. His attacks on President Barack Obama were gratuitous and gross. He managed to convince a great number of the voting public that White Americans were becoming the next ethnic minority, and heightened their fears that Black Americans {and Brown) would soon control the streets and maybe even the government, and that he was the only alternative. He isn't smart enough to have conceived such a nuanced campaign, but he's been surrounded by dirt bags just as prejudiced as he is; although smarter. Trump is a post-pubescent adenoidal freak. An erectile dysfunction episode at his age might drive him "postal."
As President, he rode in on Barack Obama's coattails. You can "factcheck.org" for yourselves:
Obama's final numbers: READ HERE.
Trump's's final numbers: READ HERE.
The scary part is, "How in hell did he get 70+ million people to fall for his bullshit?"
But, you want scary? Here's scary for you!
Take J.D. Vance! Please!
That guy looks like the descendant of the Hal 9000, and a clone of the Terminator T2000, just a pelt of human skin pulled over a metallic frame. They screwed the program up the first time: he called Trump names, so they put another module in him, and now he's a fine-tuned heartless, godless Repub robot.
Good luck with that one!      08/24/2024
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