eyelessinlima.com     Letters to
the editor for
Raymond Massey, the greatest President since Abraham Lincoln, said that
there'd be days like this. His piece was called "Things to Come." He was dead
serious. We wish he hadn't been.
Write some letters. But heed these
instructions: (1) Write about just one subject. (2) Make it brief. It will
increase your chances of getting in print. Stay within their alloted space or
they will cut you. (3) Don't get fancy. Chances are that you can't write
worth a damn, but if you can, they'll cut whatever you say that makes sense
and that they don't agree with. (4) Write to the larger papers. They need
the filler. They'll gutter your text, but you can say you're published. (5) Don't call
the editor an asshole. He is, but you don't want his kids to find it out in print.
(6) segues are redundant. There's some charm to non seqitur.
Try not to get on a political shit list. They'll want you to run for office.
My own letter follows. It's a one/size/fits/all. You know our policy.
A letter... website by Noe