...sedet ad dextram...inde venturus est judicare vivos et mortuos...

sticks and stones...July 26, 2024
There is nothing wrong with being a "liberal," neither of the ultra nor of the radical kind. There have been moments in world history when either one or both were completely justified.

The United States of America were born in the crucible of radical liberalism: In 1775, England's New World colony mounted an armed insurrection against established legal rule and freed themselves from a European government that they no longer wished to serve.

The Principles upon which The Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution and The Bill of Rights are foundationed, are explained as follows in Wikipedia:
"Liberalism in the United States is based on concepts of unalienable rights of the individual. The fundamental liberal ideals of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, the separation of church and state, the right to due process, and equality before the law are widely accepted as a common foundation of liberalism."
Wikipedia defines liberalism the same as any other credible source.

The definition of "radicalism" as written by the Cambridge Encyclopedia translates from English to English (Got that?) as
"the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change."

The "gun-toting brand of radicalism" does not apply to calls for change as in women's rights, gun control, and immigration law reform in any American political party. But if it does, it leans more to the right (where the Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights is clutched to MAGA hearts like a patch from Robert E. Lee's shorts) than to the left.

DEI for morons... DEI is an offshoot of "Affirmative Action" circa 1963, and is meant to level the playing field for individuals of all colors, creeds, gender, age and political affiliations, especially in the field of jobs. "AA" was a dismal failure, rarely, if ever enforced. A Mexican-American now long in the tooth, can attest to the days when he was hired as a buffer between "the company" and the DEI (one ethnic is just as good as another) watchdogs, both of whom refered to him as their "token nigger," a term for which in this age of "political correctness" has become the synonym for "DEI hire." This not an opinion, nor a theory, nor revisionist history: this is the memory of a "mexicáno" who grew up in TX when Elvis still had pimples. Invective flows over Mexican-Americans from Texas like water off a duck, but Kamala Harris is neither a Texan nor a Mexican-American, and she doesn't deserve the same treatment that you give Mexican women when they need health care. And like Joe Biden, she is too decent to get down in the gutter with brain-dead, soul-less, talking-head morons.
There are some of us who will gladly do that for her.

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