...it is said that we're all guilty of something...but the worst of us don't try to tell the world we're not...

America has never had a "golden age." Selling guilded shoes does not quantify an era. Some GOP officials are crusading to revise the uglier parts of this nation's history towards a more utopian past. That's going back a long way, before the first indentured servant put her shoeless foot on Plymouth Rock.
But before we move on to "His MAGA-sty, All-I-Babble and his forty fiefs," let's clear some things up. Americans overthink a problem
All the bullshit back and forth about why Kamala Harris lost the election is just that: bullshit. She lost because Black, Brown and White men don't like to be told by a woman - especially a Black woman - what to do. We can point to 3 things that help to prove this: P. Diddy, Greg Abbott and the GOP. Ask a woman if she's better off now than she was under Trump. She'll think, "Fuck you for asking!" But she doesn't like to be told what to do by a woman either. It's still a man's world and nowhere is it more evident than in the good old USA. Even though men readily admit now that they like to wear HER panties.
And the only people who still say that racism no longer exists in the USA are those running for office. Hillary won in 2016, but she couldn't break the ceiling despite being white because the country was not enthusiastic about a woman running the country, and Trump took the chicken-shit electoral college vote because he was white, despite the fact that there were few Americans who didn't already know him for the useless schmuck he is.
One more thing: Black men have fought in a U.S. uniform since and including the French and Indian Wars. There were at least 30,000 Black Americans in colonial times, both free and enslaved. There are more Black people in the USA descended from colonialists in New Hampshire than from Hawaii. Make that from Kenya. They've been here all along.
Next year, the White House will become the Bijou for the greatest B-movie of all time. The cast: the fabulous DOGE-fu___...well...co-stars... the one from South Africa who looks like something that Igor dug up for Victor to bring back to life; and the other guy who looks like just about anybody who could be a hatchet man for Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. A revised version of "Birth of a Nation" looks promising. Jon Voight could direct. Sylvester Stallone would choreograph the assassination on the stage of "An American MILF" where a real homeless Democrat playing Abe gets drawn and quartered and fed to immigrants who speak "an unknown language." The KKK would come in to save the day.
The 2 DOGE-dicks want to bring in migrants to replace U.S. tech and engineering talent. They want to take control of the American wallet. With their techie running dogs they can take control of every server in America. They can access every bit of information about even the humblest US citizen. Your money - your SS; your property, your life - will belong to foreigners. Don't credit these moron with REAL cunning.
These barfs say that U.S.techs and scientists are mediocre and incompetent. They obvious have never heard of Morse and Edison, the Wright Brothers, Philo Farnsworth, Morgan, Fulton, Westinghouse, Lilly, Birdseye, Tomlinson and Noyce; and Colt: Samuel Walker Colt showed the world the art of mass production (regretfully with guns) and innovated the assembly line. Americans taught China and India the effective ways to feed and clothe and cure their combined third of the world's population. And American Geeks have forgotten more than any blankethead or bleery-brained Boer will ever know.
These two want to put a GPS in every American. Trump's not smart enough to have learned the "Big Brother" concept on his own. But they're all rich enough to send somebody to come for you if incautiously you call them "amoral, godless, heartless douche-bags" over your iPhones or leave evidence that you think they're "side-show freaks" in an e-mail. This pair has never done a damn thing that is relevant to a real human being's version of reality.
The fellow who is justifiably credited with developing the first PC was an American: Mark Dean. He's Black. He's not the only Black American to have been instrumental in developing IT. Find his resume HERE.
"THE FIRST MAN TO WALK ON THE MOON" was born and raised a stone's throw from where this rant is being written (in the hope that nobody has to ask or research who "THE MAN" happens to be). The real geniuses - Katherine G. Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson - who made that "small step for a man" possible were Americans. Their real story needs to breathe more air, so, READ IT HERE. But watch the movie "Hidden Figures" too anyway.
Trump and his gang of looters can do more for this country if they spend some of their billions on an island and move there where they can buy what other crooks will sell them. They should just make sure that they pay the help and give them some days off, and that none of those are minors. Oh! And that the island doesn't belong to a civilized country with extradition treaties.
Dems missed their shot: Al Bundy, now pushing eighty, too, is still qualified to be President. The shoes he sold weren't gold-plated, but he's not a convicted felon either.

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This webswite has herd immunity against pragmatism. Republicans suck. And Dems look scared. The conventional wisdom is forbidden here.