McNaughton Rule test: Do you know "Riht from Wrang?" Choices: No. Yes. Don't know. Spelling sucks.

Answer at bottom of page.

Between the time that George Washington took the oath of office at New York’s old City Hall on Wall Street and began to govern America from there - and today, when Donald J. Trump rules from the Kremlin in Moscow - the United States of America became the most effective fund-raising entity in history. The most pragmatic of the sciences have flourished: engineering, mathematics, biology, agriculture, chemistry. But the social sciences have evolved from a biased moral quagmire mostly learned from a psuedo-religous context to the pedantic medical subscripts that they are today.
Through the years and generations of elected hacks, politicians have come to the conclusion that the best solution to a country's issues is to throw money at them; and to do that, they have to collect a lot of it, because politicians don't create money: they use the public's. It's no problem being extravagant with other people's money. And therein lies the elected dirtbags' major talent: convincing people that they're doing something for them with their money when they aren't.
"...ay, (and) there's the rub." Americans know that these morons are robbing them, but they let them take their money because they believe that someday they might actually do some of them some good, and a few of them have, just enough to keep the myth alive. The money spent rounding out to 50 was nice; but in a nation in the grip of anal retentivity, Puerto Rico no doubt makes the fingers come up "odds," and who needs more hispanics anyway?
Canada and Greenland sound like perfect "evens." Tom Humanoid can help in his own inimitable way, but to where do you deport Puerto Ricans who live in Puerto Rico?
From one reasonably rational human being to another of reasonably-like-character, what does dismantling USAID have to do with the poor cluck who has to work 2 minimum wage jobs to support his family of four? How does putting 100,000 people out of work help those who are out of jobs already? Where is the money going to go that the DOGE-Hump from South Africa is saving "the American people?
Musk has citizenship papers for South Africa, the USA and Canada. By all quantitative standards and methodologies, the USA is the number 1 economy in the world; Canada is 10th, and South Africa is 41st. But it's the USA that needs help managing it's cash flow? This mutt's loyalties to any country are highly suspect, but in America, he has top secret security clearance. That means that he not only has access to The USA's top secrets but to every single American's personal data.
Trump's security clearance is equally shaky. He believes that when he fulfills his mandates as Netanyahu's and Putin's puppet, he's going to be proclaimed "emperor of the world."
When was the last time that you heard either of those two (plus Vance) talk about the needs of the people who voted Trump and Vance in?
In America, $30,000 is the median for poverty for a family of four; the same for a single person is $14,000. The family of four often has to live on the latter. The latter often has to work two jobs in order to pay rent and to commute. This is no longer a world where you can live your whole life and be buried a five minute walk from where you work. The latest census figures say that 39.9 million people in the U.S. live under the median for poverty. That's not even counting the homeless or those who have just given up and fallen off the grid, and daily hustle just enough coin to buy a pint against the cold before they drop. For good.
20 million individuals (a laughably conservative estimate) in the U.S. are drug addicts. 257 junkies ODed and died each day in 2024. 2025 will not get any better. This despite first responders carrying naloxone on their packs to save them. Mexico is not to blame for the influx of fentanyl into the U.S. Nor are they responsible for morons taking drugs which more often than not are laced with fentanyl. The organizations and the politicians who claim responsiblity for the health of the nation blame other countries for this catastrophe because they don't have a fucking clue as to how to stop it. And they've become indifferent to it. Nobody in the Trump administration (another joke!) gives a shit about "the American people."
Donald J. Trump is crazy! When is the media and the rest of this country going to quit talking about him as if he were rational? It would benefit this nation to learn what flavor of Kool-aid he gave his herd of lemmings, so that we can take it off the shelves. Because no one will survive the country that he's building. If someone does, he won't be an American anymore. He'll be a target.

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There is no answer. There is no McNaughton Rule. It's the M'Naghten Rule. "Riht" and "wrang" are Middle English.