...never send a hillbilly to do a redneck's job...the kēgel has landed...

J.D. Vance says that the threats to Europe "come from within," not from Russia or China. The concept by JC Himself: "Mark 3:25 - King James Version - And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand," has been often paraphrased to caution any nation with visible growing pains. Indeed, it is the core principle of this country's democracy, which as of this moment is sitting on a fault that makes San Andreas look like an irrigation ditch. There are 44 European countries; 27 of them in the Euopean Union, all of whom are likely to tell Vance that "we can take care of our own fucking problems." A bumpkin throwing Biblical philosophy at civilized Christian countries is like a corn cob telling the Sears catalogue that it's not rough enough. (Well...Trump is re-writing "Proverbs" anyway: "He who saves his country does not violate any law.")
Say what?
Acting not unlike full plenipotentiary (spelled: Trump's wax figure proxy), Vance told the Munich Security Conference at which Zelensky was present that their main problem was illegal immigration. (Ring any bells?) Slime-coating Trump's way to a Russia/Ukraine War psuedo-solution, he told Zelensky, "We want the killing to stop." In Russia, that is.
Evidently, they don't care if the killing in the United States continues. They have no quarrel with Americans killing Americans. Because in order to maintain the sanctity of the 2nd Amendment (and political donations from the NRA) WE MUST SHOOT 30 or 40 thousand citizens a year. (Sure.) Deaths from lack of health care and medicines and vaccinations are just the luck of the draw. In California, if you're a victim of fires, mud-slides, floods, tornados et al, you're shit out of luck. Elon Hump is neutering FEMA and ignoring cries for help from liberals, because they didn't vote right. The problem is that people waving for help from a roof top all look the same. And Trump is helping Nathan Yoohoo provoke the Palestinians into breaking the truce so that they can finish up the ethnic cleansing and build some Trump Ziggurats among the ruins. Killing those people is okay because "GOD" told the Hebrews to, and Trump was in on that conversation (Right?) because it's okay to give Yahoo the bombs to drop on them, and now both of them can rain bombs on men, women and children, because... well...they're in the way. Ask Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iran, and Afghanistan.
And it's obviously going to take 2 nuclear powers working together to eliminate the population of a country which is roughly half that of Michigan's!
You know, if Trump wants to find a nice place for battered and displaced victims of war to live in, he could find nice places for the 653,000 Americans experiencing homelessness as of January 2023 according to Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) point-in-time data. You can read the facts if you want; or not. Homelessness in America
The First Triumvirate, Trump, Lump and Hump of the Golden Age of Morons are a 3-pronged distraction from the real problems of real Americans. Trump wants to build an empire, Lump wants to throw away the last shred of respect that the world had for the United States; and the Hump is pulling the table cloth away from America's dinner table like a mail order magician. The USA's troubles: storm/fire/flood, hunger, poverty, bankruptcy, homelessness, epidemic, atrocious health and agricultural policies, etc, etc, etc, as subjects of conversatiion grow fewer and less imperative. The rich aren't that hungry.
America is gonna need the friends that it's throwing away. The idea that Europe can be frightened with Chicken Little hoaxes is ludicrous.
On September 11, 2001, 19 individuals, fairly representative of the population of the Middle East, invaded and attacked the USA and killed nearly 3000 Americans.
After 20 years of war in Afghanistan against a motley population of ragged goatherds, the US left having accomplished little or next to nothing.
And it's taking two nuclear powers (USA/Russia) with a joint population of roughly 1\2 billion people to try to force a country (Ukraine) - with less than 1 tenth of that half-billion population and 12% of their conjoined land area - to take a knee. It'll take all that nuclear energy to grow a pair between the two big enough to take Zelensky on in a stand-up fight.
On the homefront, Tom Hominid is finding out that it takes bigger than double-digit IQs to organize into a posse dumb enough to make careers out of jumping on defenseless people with little place on earth left to run to. Ice doesn't even have enough money to hire lawyers when the lawsuits start to come.

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Elon Musk is proof positive that cloning Dolly was not a great idea.