Letter to the editor...       eyelessinlima.com       website by Noe

There's no flea collar showing on Laura Loomer's neck, so she's either using a topical solution or she's too toxic for parasites. But there's something about her that inspires Donald Trump to great oratory. The "migrants' cats and dogs dinners" fable could very well be his greatest speech. And he's finally found a pet that he can take to the White House, so she's probably gonna hold him to his promise of saving her species from extinction.
Even if there's no accounting for taste, it begs the question: "Would you sniff that ass?"
Given too, that everything that comes out of either one of those two mouths probably smells the same.
Criminy, LL (plus: Trump) outdid herself! Even some Republicans were left gasping! And we should beg forgiveness for thinking that MTG was irredeemable!
But, man! That was sheer genus (sic)!
And maybe MTG is jealous 'cause she didn't think about it first. That's sad, 'cause MTG was "top rank" for such a long time. But you know what they say: that when you start to believe that you're the rankest of all time, there will always be somebody ranker!
It's not all that hard to tell what Trump's ambition is, because he doesn't have any noticeable talents besides fuckin' over the hired help and his business partners. It seems as if he wants to be the greatest "American Idol" of all time, like the rock star that wants to write the songs and sing them, and play all the instruments. He wants to fill stadiums. (How's that coming along?)
But what's LL's endgame. She's been banned from all respectable social media and many services, so that no one will deliver pizza to her door, and I'm surprised that California didn't stop her at the state line. Granted that you're "obligated to love your uglier children," but it was Hollywood who coined that phrase, and you know how they lie. They make movies about cannibalism all the time, and mighta made it respectable at that.
Remember Hombre?
"Ask her if she'll eat dog now?"

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Nice idea for the creator of Hannibal Lector: Silence of the Dogs...and cats...