Letter to the editor...   September 19, 2024...   Website by Noe

Some realities are unpleasant to accept. But some polls read like research for one of M. Night Shyamalan’s movies. The media have an odd way of gathering bodies to test people’s views on current issues; so let’s give, say, a poll on “the economy” a closer look. When asked by a pollster, nine out of ten grouped individuals say that the #1 issue today is the economy. The price of groceries is often mentioned. You’d feel some sympathy for the deprived, if 10 out of those 10 didn’t look as if they’re unmistakably getting their 4 squares a day, and how the price of eggs or milk is hardly moot. One-third (110,000) of Americans suffer from obesity.
The inflation rate is at 2.5% right now, a more than acceptable figure, but the price of food is affected by a host of variables none of them necessarily related to inflation. Learn something here.
Inflation is not the main issue in the U.S. now. We ignore the big one.

The following story is taken verbatim from the internet. We assume that the figures quoted are the latest that have been tabulated.

Guns Remain the Leading Cause of Death for Children and Teens in the US, (the) report says;
Story by Thao Nguyen, USA TODAY September 13, 2024 The report − published Thursday by the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions − analyzed the latest data on gun violence from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which revealed that more than 48,000 people across the country died from gun violence in 2022. Of those deaths, more than 2,500 children and teens ages 1 to 17 died by a firearm. The whole story can be read here.

The next argument requires one simple observation: guns are the single most pressing issue in America today. The exorbitant price of “HOHOs” doesn’t seem to be keeping anybody's fat ass from getting any bigger. There are over 38 million diabetics in the U.S., 96% of whom are type 2 – which can be prevented or at least managed by among other things, a healthier diet and major weight loss. (Type 1s have more serious problems.) Until Joe Biden capped the price of insulin, big pharma was “feeling your pain” all the way to the bank, with money that could have been used to buy some broccoli. Trustworthy websites on the internet will show you how to manage your health, how to survive bad weather and forest fires; but nobody shows you how to survive the next chicken-shit motherfucker that decides to use a gun to murder innocent unarmed civilians.
The guy that nicked Trump's ear, from all accounts sounds like a moron who was as politically screwy as Trump is. He sounds more like an "active shooter" who hit Trump by accident. These are guys who have (like Trump) a hyphenated condition where "syndrome" goes on the right side of the hyphen. The gunman at Mar-a-Lago, who didn't get a shot off, was a train wreck waiting to happen: the fucker is insane. Those two morons' histories should have kept all weapons from their hands. To call these dumb fucks "assassins" is to give them a loftiness that no moron with a gun is worthy of.
The CDC says,"More firearms, more people get shot."
Every human being in America is a target for a dumb motherfucker with a gun. When is a real conversation gonna start about bringing this horror to a stop?
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