Insincerity and falsehood are the languages of charlatans.
They are as prevalent in social media as the Lone
Star ticks on Ted Cruz's ankles. TikToK, YouTube, Instagram
et al have become the hunting grounds of snake oil salesmen,
sexual predators and opportunists of all stripes.
Suck-a-Burger has no quarrel with that because...well..minors
are entitled under the 1st Amendment to send nude selfies to perverts:
but!!!, that same Amendment (mind you!)
prohibits news media and to
challenge politician scumbags on their use of misinformation,
and indeed outright lies, against their opposition.
You see, "the truth can be politically biased."
The question is, "Say what?" know...Grandpa told us that
the truth is the same truth to the honest man and to the
liar, just as "the sun also rises," ('on the just and the
unjust' if you don't know The Bible 'cause you're a godless
"Repub" dialogue gets worse by the hour.
The Senator from Alabama who looks like Igor's illegitimate
son says that CA fire victims don't deserve federal aid. Well,
sure; there's nothing but a bunch of human beings down there. He thinks
that The U.S. should take the Panama Canal by force; because
China's in control of it and it's critical to this country's
defensive stance against Chinese aggression. Two lies are
inherent here: one, the Canal is not controlled by China, but
by Panama; two, China doesn't need that breeding ground of
pestilence to put a knot on his dumb ass.
And it's not just turgid "soapbox" that prelims an unsavory
de-culturization of America. The schizo from South Africa is
trying to install the Nazi salute into the communal U.S. character.
Get ready to salute your superiors with a "Heil Whoremonger!"
This dork spends a billion dollars to land a million dollar
piece of space junk safely back to Earth, and this same guy is in
charge of upgrading the efficiency with which the government spends
our money???!!!
The inauguration speech by our old brand new Prez should have been
a wake-up call for rational Americans, but 'twas the same ol' drivel
that he's been putting millions upon millions (sure, sure...) of his base to sleep
with, for at least a dozen years. This amazing oratory,
the greatest of all time, of course, will live in the anus of American
history forever.
This website was never meant to be political, and right now
it's borderline. It will never be PC, because politics is not
a science, and it's never correct. Falsehood is the most consistent
political stratagem of those who've wedged themselves into elected
positions of power. This website means to primarily pass along
information which is necessary to the physical survival
of everyday Americans who need help. Knowing fully well Americans'
distaste for even practical research
into data that's germane to their wellbeing, we try to lead readers to
websites that contain the most verifiable and trustworthy context around
normal people's most "clear and present dangers." Pause a minute from
reading your email or posting on TikTok or watching porn and click
the link you see when we put it up for you.
Jews and Christans have redacted the Ten commandments: the 1st commandment is out.
We're not anti-semitic nor anti-Christian: we're mostly anti-morons. We don't worry
about sounding like damn fools. That's the most common flaw in humans. But
if you can't say something
nice about somebody, say it anyway. There are fools who talk a lot, and
there are fools who favor silence. But if there's something bothering you, say it.
The right to speak is guaranteed by the 1st Amendment out of the often ignored
Bill of Rights.
Ulbricht called Trump a man of his word. Evidently wedding vows
(3 times) don't count to a serial adulterer. Nor the vow to defend the U.S. Constitution; now
looking for ways to corrupt it, too. How about the promises to coal miners, and to farmers,
some of whom are bankrupt. How about "America First" when he's bringing in
foreigners so that he can fire American techs and engineers. And the promise to leave SS alone?
Trump's bio could be summed up by a list of the people he's fucked over.
Better stock up on Dramamine: or buy stock in it. Trump's about ready to Make/America/Gag/Again.
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